Saturday, February 4, 2012

Cambodia: Take 1

It's been just over a week since I placed my feet on Cambodian soil, yet it feels like much longer. I honestly had no idea what to expect my time here to look like, but God has given me a lot of nice surprises. We are staying at a Christian church/school and our accommodations are so nice! I share a room with 2 other girls. We have our own bathroom!! And it's not a squattypotty :) The whole team is staying on the same floor, and we have our own common area where we eat our meals, play a lot of intense card games, and just spend time with another.

As far as ministry goes, we do most of our work here at the school. We have all taken on the role of teacher. We are teaching English to preschool-6th grade children. I helped teach preschoolers for a few days, but now I have the 6th graders, which is something I thought I'd never say. In the afternoon, the school provides English classes for anyone in the community. I am teaching the level 4 students, which consists mostly of university students, but a few younger ones that are already super good at English.

For the last few years, teaching English in another country is something I've been really interested in, and I'm so blessed to have gotten the chance without really even asking God for it. It can be really difficult because I usually don't have a translator, but for the most part everything is good. The 6th graders teach me patience and my level 4 students teach me about Cambodia. Conversation is one of the best ways to improve your language skills, so it's fun teaching them, but learning so much more in return. One fun fact I've learned: Cambodians love to watch Tom and Jerry! haha What can I say, I do too.

1 month old baby that's living in the slums.
Yesterday, we went to the slums of Phnom Penh with an Irish couple that are permanent missionaries here in Cambodia. They feed the children there twice a week, and they also help with bringing in medical care for them if the need be. They have saved a few children's lives and it was such a blessing to see their work here. We are going to work with them a few more times next week, but I'm not sure what it will look like yet.

We have also been doing some prayer walking around our neighborhood and other large areas of Phnom Penh. This place is gripped with corruption and poverty like most poor countries are, but we believe that God wants to do something in this place. I think most people are unaware, but Cambodia's history is full of war and genocide. This country is still recovering from a civil war. The Khmer Rouge tried taking control of the country by killing anyone that was politically opposed to them, educated people including all teachers and doctors, Christians, etc etc. This went on for years and you can still see the effects. Slowly, but surely Cambodians are rising up again. Most of the population is under the age of 30, so new mindsets are being formed in this impressionable age group. This is such a perfect opportunity to bring Christianity to the people! Although the Khmer Rouge wiped out most Christians, they are coming back strong. Only 2% here are Christians, but it's only been about 40 years since the killing ended, so that's a pretty good number. Religion here is dominated by Buddhism, with a little bit of Hinduism mixed in, which means that they think completely different from us. It takes time to introduce new concepts to people, but luckily with freedom of religion here, there is plenty of opportunities to do just this. 

I have only one week left here in Cambodia, and then it is off to Thailand. Outreach is flying by! It is always a blessing to be introduced to new cultures and people, and I'm enjoying every minute of it. Doing what you know God has called you to do is always exciting and forever rewarding! If you have any questions about my time here, or if you have the desire to partner with me on my journey through Asia, then please contact me via email: My need has dropped from $2,000 to $1,486, so keep those prayers coming! Please consider being a part of that answered prayer! Simply click on the "Donation Info" tab at the top to find out how. A big thank you to all of those that have already partnered with me in prayer or financially! I couldn't do it without you!!

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