Monday, July 25, 2011

Did you know?

Today there are 27 million people in slavery.

1.2 million children are trafficked every year.

Every minute 2 children are trafficked for sexual exploitation.

Approximately 80% of transnational victims are women and girls, and up to 50% are minors.

The total market value of illicit human trafficking is estimated to be $32 billion.

About $28 billion of this is generated from commercial sexual exploitation.

This makes trafficking in persons 2nd only to the drug trade as the most lucrative crime in the world.

So what does slavery look like today? Most forms of slavery come in bonded and forced labor or sexual exploitation. Every year millions of women and children are forced into prostitution or into the pornography industry. Child sex tourism is also common in Asia. These women and children have been put on my heart by God. My brain cannot comprehend that an 8 year old is raped repeatedly night after night. My brain cannot comprehend that in today's time we are allowing this to happen. How? Why? Because of poverty and the love of money. Corrupt justice systems are full of greed; they are bought off by the traffickers and allow enslaved people to be moved through their country. Because of poverty, there is an endless supply of people to be tricked, coerced, or kidnapped. If a country has a strong democratic government and relatively low poverty, does this mean that they aren't involved in this atrocity? Unfortunately, no. Nearly 200,000 people live enslaved at this moment in the United States, and an additional 17,500 new victims are trafficked across our borders each year. Over 30,000 more slaves are transported through the United States on their way to other international destinations.

I, personally, cannot stand by and allow this to happen anymore. I have to take action, and I hope that you will too. If you are interested in learning more about human trafficking, please check out some of the organizations below. And of course I wouldn't mind you getting involved with me in my fight against sexual slavery. Check out the tab titled "Where is Stephanie now?" to find out more about me, and what I'm doing.        This organization has put together statistics, book and movie lists, videos, and resources to bring awareness to your community. I highly recommend you take a look at this one.        I was first introduced to the world of human trafficking when I heard the founder of this organization speak. I highly recommend reading his book "Not For Sale" if you are interested in getting an up-close and personal look into slavery.        This organization is actively working to end the rule of the LRA, who is kidnapping children to serve as soldiers in their rebel army in Uganda Africa.        This organizations is based out of NYC. They have a great movie titled Very Young Girls. If you are interested in human trafficking right here in the US, then check this one out!        These guys are based out of YWAM Kona (where I first learned of sex trafficking). They have been working on a documentary for a few years now, and they are about to embark on a 50 state tour where they'll be showing their film. Please check to see if they are coming anywhere near you. Plus they are still looking for places to host a viewing of their film in some states, so maybe you could be of some help!        This organization is also taking their documentary all over the US. Another easy way to become educated with an up-close look at this thriving industry.        This organization was started by a US Congresswoman. It works internationally and domestically to educate and bring awareness about human trafficking.

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