Sunday, August 14, 2011

Psalm 19:1

Today was the day. Yard sale day. I was so ready because I was sick and tired of preparing for it. It's such hard work! Shout out to the people who helped me (Mom, Gma, Dad, Angel, Cody and Casey)! The day went really well, minus the fact that I am now the hue of a lobster. The fantastic news is how much I made. Drum roll please........over $600! Crazy!!! I'm pretty sure God multiplied it like the fish and bread. I couldn't have done it without the people who donated items to me (Thanks Leslie!). What we didn't sell we donated to the Salvation Army, and I'm so glad to be rid of the excess stuff. After an exhausting day, I took a moment to just sit out in the sunroom. A verse popped into my head, but I knew I wasn't getting it completely right. I was thinking "beauty displays the work of his hands". I knew it was in Psalms, but just couldn't remember the correct words. So then I notice that it's time for the sun to set. I had a strong urge to walk outside, right past a wooded area that blocks my view from the house. I also really felt like I should walk through this little storage building we have. When I got to the other end, God was painting me a beautiful picture.

I took many, many photos and then returned back to my house feeling quite enamored with God. I decided to look up the verse, and it said "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands".

 I immediately began to chuckle. I've been asking God to speak specific verses into my mind, and at first I was actually quite frustrated with it. I couldn't get my mind to shut up long enough to hear Him, but I just kept telling myself that God is fully capable of speaking over my racing 90-to-nothing mind. A friend of mine (Yo Zack! :D ) prayed for me about this, and God told Him that I definitely would hear Him, but I just had to give it some time, basically. It was so subtle I didn't even realize it had happened! When I wasn't concentrating, when I wasn't expecting, it just happened!

He is faithful to us. And He knows the perfect timing for everything. How much more special is this than God speaking to me this way when I demanded that I wanted it. Praise God for being more than we ever imagine, yet for being exactly who He promises to be.

took this photo and then noticed the heart. God is so beautiful.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Yard Sale

It is amazing how much stuff one can accumulate. Over the years, I've just taken in more and more without ever really letting go of anything. If there is one thing I've learned from all of my traveling it is that you really don't need all that you think you do. In fact, it's quiet freeing when you don't have tons of stuff collecting around you. Since I am moving hundreds of miles away, it's time to get rid of the clutter. I am currently going through the process of completely cleaning out the 2 places that I've been living over the last few years. I need money and I don't need the stuff, so it seems that a yard sale is in order. I'm teaming up with a friend who is also raising support for a 3 month missionary trip in Spain. If interested in what's going on in Spain, check out his blog, too: If you are reading this, live in my area, and would like to get rid of stuff lying around the house, please get in touch with me and I'd be happy to pick it up. It's a win/ say goodbye to unwanted stuff and you help out 2 people who really need it!